Gitte Pedersen

“LeanMail assists in efficiently managing emails…” LeanMail assists in efficiently managing emails and facilitates decision-making regarding them. Gitte Pedersen Programme advisor Mannaz A/S

Martin Oudman

“Mailbox empty end of the day gives good feeling”  Leanmail helps me to prioritize my work and never to miss an important mail! Thanks! Martin Oudman Owner/Senior Advisor Leanspire

Jens Metz

“Most important of all is that the quality of our work is insured…” My colleagues and I needed a method for dealing with the large amount of important mails we were wrestling with daily. We contacted LeanMail and took their training in e-mail management. Through their program we got the tools and method we were […]

Melina Søderberg

“I was in for a surprise. “ I thought I knew exactly what I would be told at this training and my first thought was ‘just another clean-up procedure that I can’t follow through’. However, I was in for a surprise. I am very confident that I will never again have chaos in my inbox. […]

Rasmus Eriksson

“…more efficient from the very first lesson!” I see myself as a skilled Outlook user for my day to day struggles in my inbox. I really do appreciate that fact. Rasmus Eriksson CTO Awapatent AB

George Trachillis

“…It has personally helped me reduce my email management time by 50%…” Lean is soundly established between two pillars that allow people to improve: Just-in-Time and Jidoka. Jidoka loosely means stop errors as they are discovered. To this day most companies I come across call themselves Lean; however, email occupies up to one third of […]

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Get the LeanMail Shared Inbox Product Sheet Now!
Get the LeanMail Prioritize Product Sheet Now!
Get the LeanMail Plan Product Sheet Now!
Get the LeanMail InstantArchive Product Sheet Now!

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  • InstantArchive
  • Prioritize
  • Plan
  • LeanMail Suite
  • Inbox480
  • LeanMail PowerSuite
  • Shared Inbox*
  • DelayedDelete
Feature and function InstantArchivePrioritizePlanLeanMail SuiteInbox480LeanMail PowerSuiteShared Inbox*DelayedDelete
Feature and function
400 €
400 €
400 €
1000 €
400 €
1200 €
400 €
Combinable with other modules
Work according to Lean principles
Organizes your email
All data kept in Microsoft 365 or Exchange
Compatible with Microsoft 365 (and Outlook 2013, 2016)
All View dashboard
Personal training available (Live and virtual)
Group training available (Live and virtual)
eLearning available
Separate priority from urgency
High priority mails remain at the top of your inbox
Prioritize according to Pareto Principle
Prioritize view dashboard
Separate personal from work email
Separate your prioirity from senders'
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