Charlotte Ginge Jensen
“I love the optimization aspect of LeanMail” The overview allows me to be more efficient. Charlotte Ginge Jensen Project Coordinator Mannaz A/S
Anne Marie Nielsen
“It’s very useful” I have a much better overview of what needs to be actioned and what not. Anne Marie Nielsen Project Manager Mannaz A/S
Anette Bach
“It structures your emails” LeanMail has helped me to improve my general organization of the emails. Anette Bach Project Coordinator Mannaz A/S
Tim Miller
“Leanmail helps me to plan how I answer emails better, as well as to get to zero inbox everyday.” The archiving/categorizing is very useful — so much so that I when I dig older emails out of my previous archive folder, I categorize and archive to LeanMail. Tim Miller Associate Professor in Computer Science, Deputy […]
Hanne S Pedersen
“…And it’s exactly the simplicity of the routine…” With a market full of remedies offering to sort out your inbox, why would LeanMail’s Outlook training be any different? That was one of my first thoughts when signing up for the training in LeanMail To me, the entire difference lies within the add-in, which is an […]
George Trachillis
“…It has personally helped me reduce my email management time by 50%…” Lean is soundly established between two pillars that allow people to improve: Just-in-Time and Jidoka. Jidoka loosely means stop errors as they are discovered. To this day most companies I come across call themselves Lean; however, email occupies up to one third of […]