Gitte Pedersen

“LeanMail assists in efficiently managing emails…” LeanMail assists in efficiently managing emails and facilitates decision-making regarding them. Gitte Pedersen Programme advisor Mannaz A/S

Martin Oudman

“Mailbox empty end of the day gives good feeling”  Leanmail helps me to prioritize my work and never to miss an important mail! Thanks! Martin Oudman Owner/Senior Advisor Leanspire

Jens Metz

“Most important of all is that the quality of our work is insured…” My colleagues and I needed a method for dealing with the large amount of important mails we were wrestling with daily. We contacted LeanMail and took their training in e-mail management. Through their program we got the tools and method we were […]

Melina Søderberg

“I was in for a surprise. “ I thought I knew exactly what I would be told at this training and my first thought was ‘just another clean-up procedure that I can’t follow through’. However, I was in for a surprise. I am very confident that I will never again have chaos in my inbox. […]

Rasmus Eriksson

“…more efficient from the very first lesson!” I see myself as a skilled Outlook user for my day to day struggles in my inbox. I really do appreciate that fact. Rasmus Eriksson CTO Awapatent AB

George Trachillis

“…It has personally helped me reduce my email management time by 50%…” Lean is soundly established between two pillars that allow people to improve: Just-in-Time and Jidoka. Jidoka loosely means stop errors as they are discovered. To this day most companies I come across call themselves Lean; however, email occupies up to one third of […]

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