How to squeeze more out of your employees – and have them thank you for it
No one cares about how well employees manage their inbox. Not the leadership. Not employees themselves. But here is why everyone should:
- Fixing it will take two hours.
- Keeping it fixed, another two hours over a couple of weeks.
- And from day one, you will have increased everyone’s efficiency and effectiveness by 5X or more.
Pop in a small add-in for Outlook, learn how to use it, and boom, 5X more productivity.
Don’t pooh pooh that. The majority of your knowledge workers send anywhere from 25% to 50% of their day processing email — in addition to Slack or Teams.
Getting 5X’s more results in what is still the key communications channel of your business in just two hours is would be worth it ROI-wise even if it were an employee’s last week on the job.
And here is the kicker: they will love you for it.
While you are squeezing more out of them, they are thanking you for making their lives easier, more stress free and successful.