Is this you?
Is this you? I’ve seen Hector (not his real name) wheeling his cart around Barcelona a few times. It’s massive. It must be extremely difficult to maneuver. One day I went up to him asked him if he really needed all of those things. He actually articulated an impressive defense. Does that remind you of […]
Most salespeople completely blow their first newbiz meeting – including you
Most salespeople completely blow their first newbiz meeting – including you You land a meeting with a prospect that you’ve been researching for quite some time. Then you make the same mistake that most sales people make: you book an hour-long meeting at her office.What’s wrong with that? Plenty. The chances of converting that meeting […]
Guest blog: Training vs. Learning: do you want to train? Or have someone learn?
Guest blog: Training vs. Learning: do you want to train? Or have someone learn? Training successfully educates only those who are predisposed to the new material. Others may endeavor to learn during class but may not permanently adopt it. The problem isn’t the value of information or the eagerness of the learner: It’s a problem […]
How my small company cut in half our $3.2 million dollar inbox expense in just 12 minutes!
OK, I have a small company of only 200 employees, so $3.2 million is nothing. But imagine a company of 2,000 employees that spend 2 hrs. per day on email with an average annual salary of $70,000. That would mean that they spend OVER HALF A MILLION DOLLARS PER DAY managing email. Since we all […]
Guest blog: Drop It Like It’s Hot, By Jesper Sommer
Not so long ago, Sony Corp. in the US was hacked. I am sure you’ve heard about the case (it was eventually blamed on North Korea, though security experts are questioning that conclusion). My favorite tech-magazine has this interesting article on the subject: The importance of deleting old stuff, another lesson from the Sony attack […]
Sorry, Email Won’t Die In 2015 (Or Any Time Soon)
Sorry, Email Won’t Die In 2015 (Or Any Time Soon)There’s a horde of startups trying to replace email. Some of these apps, like Slack (which we use at Business Insider), take a chat-room approach. There are enterprise messaging apps that work like Snapchat, like Cotap and TigerText. Some mobile-first productivity apps like Quip imagine that […]
LeanMail Friday Video 23 – A Conference Call in Real Life
A Conference Call in Real Life In this YouTube video you’ll relive those agonizing on-line meeting moments that make you want to pull out your hair! You’ll be jumping up and down shouting: “So true!”. Share this with colleagues – especially those who need some help in this area. Although it’s fun to poke fun […]
Responsiveness: when should you reply to a message
Responsiveness: when should you reply to a message How quickly we respond to a message (email, phone, sms, chat, etc.) is an often misunderstood function of our work and is further complicated by leaders who institute temporal rules like “within one business day” or in less than two hours. Here is a partial list […]
Do FIRST the things you MUST do
Do FIRST the things you MUST do You can relieve stress, ensure that you make deadlines, and give yourself a greater sense of control simply by following one general rule: Do the things you absolutely HAVE to do as soon as you can do them. — Or, put another way: Do first the things you […]
LeanMail Friday Video 18 – When It Comes To Productivity, Technology Can Hurt And Help
When It Comes To Productivity, Technology Can Hurt And Help With instant messages buzzing, emails pinging and texts ringing, how can employers increase productivity in the workplace? Software companies are tackling the problem, tracking employees’ computer time to find ways to improve their efficiency. Ok, this week the Atrendia Friday Video is not a video, […]
LeanMail Friday Video 12 – Don Tapscott – Getting Beyond E-mail
Don Tapscott – Getting Beyond E-mail In this McKinsey interview, Don Tapscott describes how we get beyond e-mail to the new social platforms. He focuses on the central and compelling point that you don’t leverage knowledge through containerization, but through collaboration. Tapscott has authored or co-authored fourteen books on the application of technology in business […]
E-mail Subject Lines
E-mail Subject Lines Writing a correct subject line can be deceivingly difficult. An initial subject line, where you are the first author of a thread, is fairly straightforward; if it is a call to action, write the call to action in directly: Call Mark Re: Babbit case or Send final sales draft. In your mind […]