Email Management For Productivity: Easy To Mistake A Tool For A Solution
Email Management For Productivity: Easy To Mistake A Tool For A Solution by Michael Hoffman Even though most of our customers might call our LeanMail email management software for Microsoft Outlook the definitive solution for email management, productivity, and efficiency, it’s not. It’s easy to mistake a tool for a solution because once you have consciously […]
Email Management Is Not A Tool And It´s Not Bad
Email Management Is Not A Tool And It´s Not Bad by Michael Hoffman Many people refer to email management as a tool, but it’s not. Email is a medium just like books, CD’s, and letters are media. You may not like managing email but that has less to do with the media itself and more to […]
I Wish I Have Time For LeanMail
I Wish I Have Time For LeanMail by Michael Hoffman You have 147 mails in your prioritize view and 239 in your Plan view and about the same in your Today view. If this is you (or something close), then keep reading… How can it be that LeanMail is faster than traditional email management if you […]
Why Fix It If People Don’t Know Email Should Be Prioritized
Why Fix It If People Don’t Know Email Should Be Prioritized I just read an article by a very smart man, Nathan Zeldes, who believes that we need a benchmark for email classifier performance. In other words, some way of gaging how well auto-prioritization Maybe. Maybe not. It seems that most email apps these days […]