Striving for Excellence: Applying Jim Collins’ Good is the Enemy of Great to Email Management

Striving for Excellence: Applying Jim Collins’ Good is the Enemy of Great to Email Management by Michael Hoffman When it comes to managing email, you’re probably already quite proficient at keeping your inbox organized. However, “pretty good” isn’t sufficient in high-stakes environments like the court, the diamond, the rink, the field, or the concert hall. […]
Stop Stockpiling – The Art of Tackling Small Tasks with the 2-Minute Rule and Batching

Stop Stockpiling The Art of Tackling Small Tasks with the 2-Minute Rule and Batching by Michael Hoffman Many of us have developed a habit of stock-piling small tasks and decisions, thinking we’ll get to them eventually. Whether it’s not taking a decision on an email or reading a document without highlighting and putting notes in […]